Here Comes The Rain Again…
I ADORE the rain.
I smile if the weather forecast calls for even a slight chance of precipitation. When the rain falls, I smile. Anyone mentions the word, and yup, I smile.
There’s a name for people like me: pluviophiles.
pluviophile (pl. pluviophiles)
(biology) Any organism that thrives in conditions of heavy rainfall
One who loves the rain, a rain-lover
Would I say that I thrive in rainy conditions?
If feeling joy is thriving, then yes, I thrive.
I trust it can be a bit much for the Vitamin D people who are probably confused by this piece.
I know. I sometimes wonder why you love the sun so much. It can be a bit much for me.
But then I remind myself that sun lovers, heliophiles, love the sun as much as I love the rain. And then, I get it. I hear you.
I have no sense of smell.
Because of that, I don’t understand this distinct smell called Petrichor. But whatever petrichor does, that I get!
This combination does magic to the body when inhaled.
Magic! Yes! That.
There’s definitely a bit of magic that happens when it’s raining. At least for me.
I feel calm. I feel at ease. I am present. I experience a sense of lightness.
Do I feel these things when it’s sunny?
Sure. On some level. But there’s no magic.
Currently, it’s raining in Makarska.
There’s rain in the forecast for the next seven days!
And all I can think of is: MAGIC!
It’s the little things…