It’s that time of year again. Time to begin again. To set new goals. To set new intentions. To pull out the Fall wardrobe. To watch as Mother Nature works her magic.
September is my new year. It is when my calendar year begins. I presume it has everything to do with the 20+ years of schooling that started every September. It makes sense and it works for me.
In September, I take the time to review the year and identify what worked, what did not work, where I was challenged, what I kept putting off and what brought me peace. These reflections happen throughout the year as well. I don’t live my life waiting for September. I assess throughout the year and ask myself similar questions. But it’s in September that I give myself some extra time to reflect and to celebrate the work I have done in leading a life that brings me fulfillment, joy, and peace.
In reflection, I am asked to revisit the decisions I made. I am asked to sit with the feelings that come up. It’s not always easy, but it's always worth it. It’s a process that helps me re-visit my values. It’s a process that asks me to check in with who I am and who I am becoming.
As I prepare to set intentions and goals for the coming year, one thing I need to highlight for myself is that it is not enough to set the goals and intentions. Anyone can set a goal. That’s the easy part. The more challenging piece is ensuring that I do the work, that I check in with myself on a regular basis, that I follow through.
This summer, while taking tennis lessons, my coach was demonstrating the proper technique for a forehand. She noticed that when I tried the forehand, while I started off well, I failed to follow through. I remember thinking to myself: this follow-through is important in all aspects of my life. Without it, the goals cannot come to fruition.
This year, I’m looking forward to not only setting some important goals but showing my tennis coach and of course myself, that I’ve mastered the follow-through.