The Magic of Being in the Moment
This summer, I had my first paragliding experience. That’s me in the photo, preparing for launch with my instructor seated behind me.
I love everything about this photo.
I love the intensity of the blue sky and the blue wing. I love how the photo captures me in a moment, trying to settle into a seat, a strap, and an experience. I love that three people are captured in this photo, reminding me, it took a team to execute this experience.
My first paragliding adventure started on a hill in Gorni Radišići, Bosnia Hercegovina, just above my parents’ homes. As I recall the events of that day, I think about how magical it was to paraglide over this beautiful region, a region I call my second home.
On the day of the adventure, my instructor drove us to our launching site. I remember grinning from ear to ear when we arrived. I remember listening and watching as the instructor gave directions to those who came to assist. I remember being aware of nothing but what was happening at that moment and being grateful for such an experience.
As the instructor strapped us both in, he gave me a few simple directions, and the next thing I knew, we were paragliding.
During this experience, time was irrelevant. The only thing I knew with certainty was that I was seated in a paragliding chair with an instructor sitting behind me, paragliding over an area my parents called home.
At one point, my instructor asked me if my adrenaline was pumping. I took a moment to process his question, and I replied with a no. Without missing a beat, I added: Right now, I am now experiencing a sense of calm and comfort.
While in the air, I felt as if I were floating and as if floating was the most natural state of being; it felt calm and comfortable. I recall looking around me and feeling at peace.
As I recall that event, I am thankful for every second. My thoughts were not in the past or the future; they were in the moment. And that moment was magical.